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来源:韦博国际英语上海中山公园英语培训中心 发布时间:2016/11/20 16:35:26


During hot-weather exercise, watch for signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. If you ignore these symptoms, your condition can worsen. Remember to drink water every 15 minutes and stay in the shade or air conditioned room if you can.


Hot Sentences to Use:

1. It's nice and warm today.

2. It's pretty hot, isn't it?

3. We're having a heatwave!

4. It's so hot! It must be over 80.

5. It's nice in the sun.

6. The weather's lovely.

7. It's a lovely day.

8. It's absolutely boiling!

9. It's positively tropical today.

10. It's sunny today, isn't it?

How do we use it? Like this…


1. It's nice and warm today.

We often combine 'nice' + 'warm' to be very positive.

2. It's pretty hot, isn't it?


"It's pretty hot, isn't it?" is useful when the weather is hot - maybe almost too hot.

3. We're having a heatwave!


Used when the weather has been very hot for a number of days.

4. It's so hot! It must be over 40.


This is like maybe it's almost too hot. Note we use Fahrenheit degrees.

5. It's nice in the sun.


Useful for winter days (remember them?). In the sun it's nice, but in the shade it may be cold.

6. The weather's lovely.


It’s comfortableweatherwithbrightsunshine.


7. It's a lovely day.


Same as No.6.

7. It's absolutely boiling!


This is used when the weather is unusually hot.

8. It's positively tropical today.


Used when the weather is unusually hot.

9. It's sunny today, isn't it?


The most common expression taught in books.

It's particularly common with the tag question.


If it’s not hot today just wait for a week and you can use these expressions everyday. Share this post with all your friends and you can all talk about the weather everyday like we do in England…




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